Oct 20, 2020
This is the third installment in a series of episodes about human freedom. This podcast examines the role of politics in human freedom. Dr. Johnson argues that politics is the core of human survival. It is the essence of self-identity. Every human being must strategize to survive. Politics is the mechanism that...
Oct 12, 2020
This podcast is the second installment in a series of episodes about freedom. This entry discusses the notion of human freedom in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic. In it, Dr. Johnson argues that the pandemic makes it indisputable that nobody is free in society. To learn more about human freedom, grab a copy of...
Oct 6, 2020
This podcast discusses the notion of human freedom. Dr. Johnson argues that there is no freedom to be had. Men live in a state of perpetual bondage. Freedom is a feel-good notion, which is nowhere tangible. To learn more about human freedom, grab a copy of Dr. Johnson's recent book about the subject.
Jul 30, 2020
Ce podcast souligne la nature conflictuelle du terme anti-racisme. Le Dr Ben Wood Johnson parle de la complexité de la notion de racisme. Il n'est pas facile de mettre une étiquette sur certains comportements, que certains pourraient considérer comme racistes. Il faut faire preuve de prudence. Le terme...
Jul 21, 2020
After the death of an African American (George Floyd) by a Minneapolis Police Officer (Derrick Chauvin), there has been a debate about police brutality in America. In this podcast, Dr. Ben Wood Johnson notes that brutality is the nature of the police itself. Police institutions are designed to be brutal. Police officers...